Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Living off the grid

What are the advanteges of living of the grid?

1 - Reduced power costs, you save a lot of money

2 - Reduced dependability - you rely only on your
resources and not the ones supplied by corporations
or the governments.

3 - Freedom of usage of naturally available resources -
Its a great feeling to produce the electricity you need by
your own

4 -Helping for a healthier environment.

You can read more here: Living off the grid

Thursday, March 19, 2009

advantages of using a windmills

most of the convention ways of electricity production
harms the environment in one way or the other.

The Advantages of using windmills are:

- Environment-friendly - The generation of wind power is
extremely environment-friendly

- Economical - Using a free energy makes wind turbines 

- 24/7 uninterrupted supply

- Independence - Making use of wind power makes you independent.

More info on: windmill  wind generator